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Monthly Highlights | July 2018
Data Privacy may affect App based Business
The Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) today said Trai's recent recommendations on data privacy are based on a 'voice and SMS regime' and may affect data-driven businesses...
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This month highlights
How digital and analytics can drive new performance and growth
Why auditors need to first put their house in order
About a year ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had told the world that the signature of a chartered accountant on financial statements was, perhaps, more powerful than even one of his own. Just like doctors don't want people to be ill to get more business..
Agile with a capital 'A'
How to check if the Linux Server is Hacked
Symptoms of compromised server- When servers are invaded by inexperienced attackers or automated attack programs, they often consume 100% of the resources. They may consume CPU resources to mine digital.....
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The rise and rise of private equity
Operation Prowli Profits On Weak IoT Devices, Servers
A malicious campaign has compromised more than 40,000 machines globally, carrying out traffic-hijacking and cryptomining. Researchers at Guardicore Labs, who called the...
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