Network Security Services

Security Assessment, Vulnerability Management & Penetration Testing Services

For Security of your Software, Web, Network and Mobile Business Application

With unmatched expertise our security team exercise its own innovative state of the art practices and methodology to help client:

  • Assess Client’s Network Architecture, Systems and web hosting platforms, against internal and external Security Threats
  • Craft successful solutions inbuilt in Networks and Systems fool proof against the existing internal and external vulnerabilities
  • Adopt strategies to build secure, robust and quality driven enterprise services to your clients and help corporate customers execute their strategic business objectives in most secured environment.

Today’s Dynamic Threat Landscape

Increased connectivity creates more attack vectors to manage and for intruders to exploit. It is essential to understand and manage the security of your network as an increasingly broad range of customers, partners, vendors, and outsourced service providers have access to enterprise resources. In this environment, threats, risk and security concerns is constantly changing, increasingly complex, and critical to success.


  • Identify: Understand and mitigate the most common threats to the infrastructure and its components
  • Validate: Test the effectiveness of existing infrastructure to controls against industry and internal standards
  • Manage: Prepare for new and evolving threats
  • Protect: Develop the ability to prevent, detect and respond to attacks
  • Secure: Ensure comprehensive information security across the infrastructure

Values of Penetration Testing Services

  • Reducing Risk to the Business: Penetration test will show the vulnerabilities in the targeted systems & the risks to the business. Based on an approved approach each of the risks is then evaluated. This forms the basis for a detailed report classifying the risks as either High-Medium-Low.
  • Protect Clients, Partners & Third Parties: Penetration test increases clients, partners & third parties confidence and a professional approach by taking the necessary measures to maintain the security of your environment. This exercise will lead to maintaining existing business, attracting new business and subsequently increase revenue & profit.
  • Evaluate your IT Security Investment: The penetration testing will provide you with an independent view and an ideal opportunity to review the effectiveness of current security investment. What is working, what is not working and what’s needs to be improved.

Our Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing Services

Increased connectivity creates more attack vectors to manage and for intruders to exploit. It is essential to understand and manage the security of your network as an increasingly broad range of customers, partners, vendors, and outsourced service providers have access to enterprise resources. In this environment, threats, risk and security concerns is constantly changing, increasingly complex, and critical to success.

Security-focused evaluation of your network-based computing environment, from both an architecture and operational perspective..

Efficiently evaluates a network’s security posture from one or more locations by scanning the network for vulnerabilities and manually validating the results.

Identifies and exploits vulnerabilities on your internal and external networks, providing a practical security evaluation of network infrastructure components existing vulnerabilities.

We simulates real-world attacks to provide a point-in-time assessment of vulnerabilities and threats to your wireless network infrastructure.

We work a comprehensive framework for assessing the security of web-based applications, as a foundation for our web application assessment methodology.

As the widespread use of mobile applications continues to grow, consumers and corporations find themselves facing the new threats around privacy, insecure application integration, and device theft. We go beyond looking at API and web vulnerabilities to examine the risk of the application on a mobile platform.

Methodology and reporting: prioritized and actionable

Many penetration tests will give you a big list of problems with little context on how to fix things or what to prioritize. CODEC Networks presents you with a prioritized list by using the a unique methodology, looking at the damage potential, reproducibility, exploitability, number of affected users, and discoverability of each finding. You will get a detailed description and proof of concept for each finding, as well as actionable remediation guidance and reference. Because CODEC Networks understands that the risk severity is only one factor in prioritizing remediation efforts, you will also gain insight into the level of effort needed to remediate the findings. In addition, you will also receive:

  • An attack storyboard that walks you through sophisticated chained attacks
  • Scorecards that compare your environment with best practices from an attacker’s perspective
  • Positive findings that call out what security controls you have that are effective.