Codec Networks specialist Forensics & Fraud Investigation courses drivend by our experts in the field of high-tech forensic lab and focuses on Technological issues including cyber security, encryption, cryptography and digital forensics are covered in detail as well as ethical, legal frameworks and criminal issues.
As technology increasingly dominates the way we experience our world whether in gaming, communications, or commerce, so the opportunities for and impact of cyber crime dramatically increase. People with talent and passion for computing forensics and cyber security are increasingly valued by government, law enforcement agencies and businesses.
Codec Networks specialized Computer Forensics & Investigation courses develops the strong logical skills needed to detect, investigate and prevent computer crime. By choosing our multidisciplinary course, you'll be equipped to combat computer crime in a technology-driven world.
Candidates taking these courses will gain an understanding of the nature of the security threats that face computer systems and the type of information that is stored on digital devices (and how it can be extracted from them). They will benefit from a broad and varied array of state-of-the-art technologies.