Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)

Course Description

Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) is a registered trademark and course developed by (ISC) ² and the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA).

CCSP course and certification exam ensure that cloud security professionals have the required knowledge, skills, and abilities in cloud security design, implementation, architecture, operations, controls, and compliance with regulatory frameworks

The course is designed purposely to give participants an idea to decide how valuable the CCSP is, and understand to attain the certification.

This course is based on guidelines to cover the below following topics / domains and provide participants a curve in there preparation of CCSP Exam.

  • Domain 1 – Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design
  • Domain 2 – Cloud Data Security
  • Domain 3 – Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security
  • Domain 4 – Cloud Application Security
  • Domain 5 – Cloud Security Operations
  • Domain 6 – Legal, Risk and Compliance

This preparation course focuses on the understanding of cloud computing infrastructure security. By attending this course, professionals will get a comprehensive review of the knowledge required for understanding cloud computing and its information security risks and mitigation strategies.

Participants will also learn cloud architecture and design requirements, operational and compliance issues, and the security of cloud data, applications and infrastructure

Who Should Attend

The program is ideal for those working in positions such as, but not limited to -

  • Cloud Solution Architects, Cloud Security Managers, IT Security solution Architect, Cloud Risk Managers, Cloud Security Consultants, IT Security Auditors, Enterprise Information Security Architect or anyone want to generate his/her expertise in cloud security.

Course Duration

  • 40 Hours (5 Days * 8 Hours)

Domains covered in CCSP

Domain-1 Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design

  • Understand Cloud Computing Concepts
  • Describe Cloud Reference Architecture
  • Understand Security Concepts Relevant to Cloud Computing
  • Understand Design Principles of Secure Cloud Computing
  • Evaluate Cloud Service Providers

Domain-2 Cloud Data Security

  • Describe Cloud Data Concepts
  • Design and Implement Cloud Data Storage Architectures
  • Design and Apply Data Security Technologies and Strategies
  • Implement Data Discovery
  • Implement Data Classification
  • Design and Implement Information Rights Management (IRM)
  • Plan and Implement Data Retention, Deletion and Archiving Policies
  • Design and Implement Auditability, Traceability and Accountability of Data Events

Domain-3 Cloud Platform and Infrastructure Security

  • Comprehend Cloud Infrastructure Components
  • Design a Secure Data Center
  • Analyze Risks Associated with Cloud Infrastructure
  • Design and Plan Security Controls
  • Plan Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC)

Domain-4 Cloud Application Security

  • Advocate Training and Awareness for Application Security
  • Describe the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Process
  • Apply the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Apply Cloud Software Assurance and Validation
  • Use Verified Secure Software
  • Comprehend the Specifics of Cloud Application Architecture
  • Design Appropriate Identity and Access Management (IAM) Solutions

Domain-5 Cloud Security Operations

  • Implement and Build Physical and Logical Infrastructure for Cloud Environment
  • Operate Physical and Logical Infrastructure for Cloud Environment
  • Manage Physical and Logical Infrastructure for Cloud Environment
  • Implement Operational Controls and Standards (e.g., Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), International Organization for Standardization/International Electro technical Commission (ISO/IEC) 20000-1)
  • Support Digital Forensics
  • Manage Communication with Relevant Parties
  • Manage Security Operations

Domain-6 Legal, Risk and Compliance

  • Articulate Legal Requirements and Unique Risks within the Cloud Environment
  • Understand Privacy Issues
  • Understand Audit Process, Methodologies, and Required Adaptations for a Cloud Environment
  • Understand Implications of Cloud to Enterprise Risk Management
  • Understand Outsourcing and Cloud Contract Design

Course related details