Python-Programming-Course Training with Certification

Python Programming Training & Certification

Course Overview

Python is a functional and flexible programming language that is powerful enough for experienced programmers to use, but simple enough for beginners as well. Python is a well-developed, stable and fun to use programming language that is adaptable for both small and large development projects.

Programmers love Python Training Certification because of how fast and easy it is to use. Python cuts development time in half with its simple to read syntax and easy compilation feature. Debugging your programs is a breeze in Python with its built in debugger. Using Python makes programmers more productive and their programs ultimately better.

We are Best Institute for Python Training Certification in Delhi NCR . Codec Networks provides Python Training in Delhi, with Lab Facility. Python Training must be focused on providing practical knowledge about the development and programming tools and their implementation on a real time basis along with the theoretical awareness.

Python Coding & Scripting Training Certification

Python Coding & scripting Learning Class from Codec Networks will teach you how to quickly write your first program in Python! You will also learn how to create custom modules and libraries. This comprehensive course covers the basics of Python as well as the more advanced aspects such as debugging and handling files.

Who Should Attend

Candidates should have prior programming experience and be familiar with basic concepts of C/C++. Prior exposure to object-oriented programming concepts is not required, but definitely beneficial.

The course is targeted at candidates who wish to start from basic or improve their Python skill level or developers, system administrators who wish to be able to develop, automate, and test applications and systems using Python programming languages.

Modules Covered

  • Python - Installation
  • Python - Basic Syntax
  • Python - Type Variables
  • Python - Operators
  • Python - Control Statements
  • Python - loops (for loop, while loop)
  • Python - break statement
  • Python - continue & pass
  • Python - Strings, Tuples
  • Python - Lists. Dictionary, Modules
  • Python - Functions
  • Python - Stack & Heap
  • Python - Exception
  • Python - Files I/O
  • Python - Pickels, Shelve
  • Python - Collections Counter, Collections Deque
  • Python - Collections... OrderedDict, Collections... DefaultDict, Collections... Namedtuple
  • Python - Time
  • Python - Random module
  • Python - Regular Expression
  • Python - Class, Threads
  • Python - Queue, Queue with Thread
  • Python - OS
  • Python – important built-in function
  • Python - JSON
  • Python - List & Dictionary (advance)
  • Python - Networking
  • Python- configparser
  • Python with Mysql

Course Duration

  • Fast Track :5 Days (6 Hours/Day)
  • Weekend Track :5 Weeks (3 Hours/Day)

Kits Include

  • Pre-course technical evaluation
  • Training Material (E-Books)
  • Certificate of Excellence from Codec Networks

Post Training Program (Codec Networks Specialty)

  • One Live Project Work
  • Placement Assistance **
  • Discount Vouchers up to 15 - 25% for further training

Python with Raspberry

Raspberry Pi is a low-cost computing platform that provides a way to building interesting applications using common programming languages. It also opens up the possibility of interesting hardware scenarios as well. This course will cover the basics of what you need to get up and running with the Raspberry Pi.

This course will teach candidate the Python programming skills they need to help make your Raspberry Pi project ideas a reality. Candidate will learn how to set up your Pi and then program it using Python. This course includes various sources of the sort of areas likely to be of interest to the Pi programmer, including physical computing, audio and video, 3D graphics and games.

The course will builds on knowledge gained from the Programming in Python: Introduction course using the Python Programming integrated development environment.

Who Should Attend

This course is meant for those who are interested in exploring the Raspberry Pi. While a knowledge of Linux operating system and Python programming language will be helpful.

Pre - requisites

Delegates should have attended our Python Programming course or have equivalent Python coding experience.

Modules Covered

  • Introduction to Raspberry – Pi
  • Preparing SD Card for OS Installation
  • First time configuration
  • Network Setup
  • GPIO Setup
  • Pi using Secure Shell (SSH)
  • Pi over VNC
  • Linux: Essential
  • Python: Essential
  • Making Raspberry – Pi a Web Server
  • Hosting a blog on Raspberry – Pi
  • Interfacing Electronic Components on Raspberry – Pi
  • Home Automation using Raspberry - PI

Course Duration

  • Fast Track :5 Days (6 Hours/Day)
  • Weekend Track :5 Weeks (3 Hours/Day)

Kits Include

  • Pre-course technical evaluation
  • Training Material (E-Books)
  • Certificate of Excellence from Codec Networks

Post Training Program (Codec Networks Specialty)

  • One Live Project Work
  • Placement Assistance **
  • Discount Vouchers up to 15 - 25% for further training

Web Python with Django

Django is the most popular and most mature Python web development framework around. It makes it easier to build better Web apps more quickly and with less code. Building web sites with Django is not just smart and efficient, but fun too!

This course is for candidate who wants to learn Django from scratch and work through a fully functional Project. This course is apt for those who have been working on Python and intend to move the expertise to the web. Through the ORM framework candidate can achieve relatively complex functionality quite rapidly.

This Python Web App Development with Django Training Course will give existing Python developers great hands-on experience building robust, commercial web applications with the Django framework.

This training helps candidates through the development of a fully functional and useful product (an e-commerce site) candidate will learn test driven development, how to write maintainable code, efficient Git branching, and much more, all while focusing on the software engineering practices that go into developing great software.

Who Should Attend

Who Should Attend Python developers who want to benefit from the functionality of the Django web app framework in order to rapidly build, test and deploy commercial-quality web apps.

Pre - requisites

Delegates should have attended our Python Programming course or have equivalent Python coding experience.

Modules Covered

  • Introduction to Django
  • Getting started with Django
  • Django URL Patterns and Views
  • Django Forms
  • Django & REST APIs
  • Unit Testing with Django

Course Duration

  • Fast Track :5 Days (6 Hours/Day)
  • Weekend Track :5 Weeks (3 Hours/Day)

Kits Include

  • Pre-course technical evaluation
  • Training Material (E-Books)
  • Certificate of Excellence from Codec Networks

Post Training Program (Codec Networks Specialty)

  • One Live Project Work
  • Placement Assistance **
  • Discount Vouchers up to 15 - 25% for further training

Python with MongoDB

MongoDB is one of the new open source databases that focus on the ideas of the NoSQL (Not Only SQL) approach. This database is employed to handle documents in a free schema design that gives to the developer great flexibility to store and use data. The videos in the course covers download, installation, configuration, schema design, an overview of the database structure, CRUD operations, aggregations and map-reduce, indexing, integration of MongoDB with PHP, Perl, Python, Java, Ruby and .NET drivers, replication, and other administrative operations of MongoDB. All the examples and scenarios discussed are presented in real world situations.

MongoDB course from Codec Networks will help you to master one of the most popular NoSQL databases. This course is designed to provide knowledge and skills to become a successful MongoDB expert. The course covers a range of NoSQL and MongoDB topics such as CRUD Operations, Schema Design and Data Modelling, Scalability etc. This comprehensive course covers the basics of MongoDB as well as the more advanced aspects of it.

This MongoDB Training Course further focuses in MongoDB technology to implement new ways to store and handle data that can be modeled as a document format.

Who Should Attend

Python developers who works on the ability to implement a MongoDB solution from a developer standpoint and understand the architecture well enough to avoid common mistakes.

Pre - requisites

Understanding of any mainstream programming language such as Java, basic understanding of database concepts, and knowledge of a text editor such as 'VI editor' will be beneficial.

Modules Covered

  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • Working with Database, Collections, Document, Fields
  • Architecture Deep Dive
  • Using the MongoDB Aggregation Framework
  • Using Map Reduce with MongoDB
  • Python and MongoDB

Course Duration

  • Fast Track :5 Days (6 Hours/Day)
  • Weekend Track :5 Weeks (3 Hours/Day)

Kits Include

  • Pre-course technical evaluation
  • Training Material (E-Books)
  • Certificate of Excellence from Codec Networks

Post Training Program (Codec Networks Specialty)

  • One Live Project Work
  • Placement Assistance **
  • Discount Vouchers up to 15 - 25% for further training