
Certified Agile Scrum Master

Course Overview

The Agile way of thinking is best known in the field of software development but the principles are increasingly being applied in other types of projects. Scrum is the most widely used Agile methodology and the module is best suitable for all professionals who are looking to keep their knowledge up to date with the latest developments in the fields of IT and Project Management, particularly those leading or participating in projects.

Agile methodologies are popular practices in software development and are commonly being used in other areas. Scrum practices consist of establishing cross-functional and self-managed teams, creating a working deliverable at the end of each iteration or Sprint.

Agile Scrum practices consist of roles, events, importance of backlog, scrum planning and estimation. Monitoring of Scrum projects comprises of Burn-down charts, Kanban boards and Information Radiators. Advance scrum process requires practices of Scrum in large, complex projects and within distributed teams. An Agile workspace needs to be created to achieve higher goals.

Certified Agile Scrum Master training and certification exam validates a professional’s detailed knowledge in Agile methodologies and Scrum practices. Participants of this course will be able to clinch knowledge about Agile Scrum and will understand the core concepts of agile and Scrum.

This program is the professionals who have been taught the Scrum terminology, practices, and principles that enable them to fulfill the role of Product Owner of a Scrum team. These individuals are closest to the "business side" of the project. They are given the responsibility of the organization to "get the product out" and are expected to deliver the best and satisfy all the stakeholders. Product Owners also maintain the product backlog and ensure that everyone knows the priorities.

After successful completion of the course, aspirants will easily able to -

  • Demonstrate to employers and peers your attainment of core Scrum knowledge.
  • Expand your career opportunities by staying relevant and marketable across all industry sectors adopting Agile practices.
  • Engage with a community of recognized Scrum experts who are committed to continuous improvement.

About Exam

  • Certification Body: BeingCert
  • Exam Name: BeingCert Certified Agile Scrum Master (Product Owner).
  • Multiple choice questions
  • No. of questions: 50
  • Max marks: 50, Required marks: 35 (i.e.70%).
  • Duration: 60 minutes

Who Should Attend

The training and certification program is ideal for those working in positions such as, but not limited to -

  • Product Owner, Project Managers, Team members, managers or transition executive working on Scrum or anyone who wants to increase their knowledge and wishes to achieve a milestone in Agile platform, Scrum frameworks, and techniques.

Course Duration

  • 24 Hours (3 Days * 8 Hours)

Course Content / Outline

Module 1: Agile Overview

  • What is Agile?
  • Why use Agile?
  • Requirement and Relevance of Agile
  • The Agile Manifesto
  • Principles of the Agile Manifesto
  • Agile Methods
  • Change of scenario in Project Management
  • Traditional approach of Agile
  • Facts and Figures of Agile
  • Estimation, Planning, Observing and Controlling in Agile
  • Requirement of Agile on Complex Projects

Module 2: Scrum Introduction

  • Scrum Overview
  • Scrum characteristics
  • Planning Poker
  • Understanding Sprint
  • Pre‐planning meeting of Scrum
  • Depicting Sprint Calendar

Module 3: Scrum Roles

  • Scrum Roles
  • The Product Owner
  • The Scrum Team
  • The Scrum Master
  • Advantages of Cross-functional Teams

Module 4: Planning in Scrum

  • Scrum Flow
  • Requirements in Scrum
  • Prioritizing the Product Backlog
  • Adaptive Project Management
  • Scrum Planning
  • User Stories
  • The Concept of Persona
  • Acceptance Criteria
  • Generic Done Criteria
  • Criteria for a Good User Story
  • Estimation
  • Importance of Value
  • Risk Burndown Graphics
  • Scrum Board

Module 5: Metrics & Estimation of Scrum

  • Redundancy
  • Business Value Deliverance
  • Velocity of Scrum Metrics
  • Burn Down
  • Learning about Code Coverage & Pairing
  • Describing Release Planning
  • Understanding Velocity and Historical Data
  • Scrum Release Planning
  • Benefits and Drawbacks of scrum
  • Essential & Best Practices of Scrum

Module 6: Sprint Planning

  • Sprints (from Product Owner’s point of view)
  • Sprint Planning Meeting
  • Planning Game
  • Task Estimation
  • The Sprint Backlog

Module 7: Implementation of Scrum

  • Daily Stand-up Meeting
  • Sprint Review Meeting
  • Sprint Retrospective Meeting
  • Product Backlog Grooming

Module 8: Scrum for Large Projects

  • Scrum for Large Projects
  • The Chief Product Owner
  • Distributed teams in Scrum
  • Transition to Scrum
  • Mapping Traditional Roles to Scrum
  • Maintaining Stakeholder Involvement

Module 9: Estimation, Planning & Analysis of Agile

  • Describing Agile Planning
  • Learning about Agile Monitoring & Adapting
  • Task/Kaban Boards
  • Understanding Time‐Boxing
  • Redundancy & Release Planning
  • WIP Limits
  • Understanding Burn Down/Up Charts
  • Learning Cumulative Flow Diagrams
  • Process Tailoring – Definition
  • Analyzing Trend & Variance