Codec Networks, an Industry Conglomerate in IT, Security, Networking, Server Storage and Cloud Infrastructure provides high quality expert training for professional courses as per the market demand. Our Subject Matter Experts are industry trained and having relevant work experience in specific domains.
To gain maximum expertise and implement the same in your work, then come join our boot camps.
▶ 15th 16th & 17th 18th 19th (8 Hours/Day)
▶ 22th 23th & 24th 25th 26th (8 Hours/Day)
▶ Regular Batch(22th July) (2.5 Hours/Day)
▶ Regular Batch(5th Aug) (2.5 Hours/Day)
▶ 12th, 13th & 14th, 15th Aug (8 Hours/Day)
▶ 29th, 30th, 31th July (8 Hours/Day)